Cold, wet, and dark. The winter months tend to be the hardest to stay positive and motivated for both members and coaches. The desire to stay tucked up and warm increases as the weather outside becomes colder and the days become darker. This can affect us both physically and mentally if we don’t stay on top of it. 


The winter hibernation/drop off can be mitigated through a few steps. One that I make sure I am consistent with is having goals. Having something to work towards is always a great way to keep your motivation higher in testing times. Goals can be as small as doing 1-3 workouts a week, or as big as aiming for your first CrossFit competition. Writing these goals out and keeping them somewhere that you look at often such as your phone, journal, a note in your wallet, a note on your fridge etc is a great way to keep yourself motivated. Not having a goal is also ok but it can lead to decreased drive as you are not working towards something or tracking your progress. 


Dressing warm, layering up.

This plays a big role in your physical health but also your mental. If you are more physically comfortable then you are more likely to be inclined to be in a positive headspace both at and towards physical activity. Investing in some warm winter, active clothing is a great step towards being more active over the winter period. 


Surround yourself with likeminded people.

Having a few good souls by your side day in and day out is not only more motivating when training, but also helps you stay more accountable. Checking in with a group each day will mean you are more accountable than you would be if it was just yourself. You are more likely to fight through the negative head noise when you know you are going to be going through the trenches with people you like, trust, and get on with. 


Pump up the music.

Similar to surrounding yourself with likeminded people, playing some good tunes that you like will create a more positive training environment. Music can be cathartic, taking your mind to places that it’s never been. Put together a playlist that you enjoy training too, chuck some headphones on or blast a speaker, and get after it!


Be kind to yourself.

Take the good with the bad. There will be days where all you want to do is stay on the couch all snuggled and warm and that is ok too. Don’t beat yourself up if you miss a session or lack motivation here and there. It happens to the best of us. Those days you can use a stretch and recovery day to reset your mind and body back to a positive state. Do something that fills your cup. Self love with help you get through the tough days. 


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07:00 – 16:00

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