About Us

Humble BeginningS

64 Training Systems was brought to life by Komihana Mitchell (Komi) and Nicole Stowers (Tolz) who had a huge passion for anything strength and conditioning, sports, health and fitness. Both Komi and Tolz being accomplished elite athletes in their own right with sporting achievements including representative level rugby, volleyball, touch rugby and international level powerlifting and olympic lifting.

Highly educated and experienced, they understood how to pass on the key principles and procedures of elite fitness to others. Utilising their combined knowledge and background in elite sports and coaching, they started Plus 64 Fitness at a small humble location in Christchurch. That site was quickly outgrown and relocated to the new state of the art training facility at 22 Sonters Rd, Wigram.

After gaining significant success in a multitude of international level sports including representatives in Olympic Lifting, Powerlifting, Rugby and CrossFit. The demand for online programming was a natural progression and this is where 64 Training Systems was created.

Building the community

It is more than getting sweaty, fit and a six-pack. Although all those things happen… What 64TS is striving to build is an environment that creates greatness in unity.

A community that rallies around one and other to bring the best out of every individual no matter their physical capabilities or background. Stronger together is a mantra we use frequently. The #64Army is more than a hashtag, it holds a lot of meaning to the 100’s of people that are behind it. A symbol of unity, honour and a representation that this movement is bigger than an individual.

The goal was always to have everyday people following the same program as internationals level athletes.  Every program is infinitely scalable – which allows for full stimulus to be acquired no matter what stage of your fitness journey you are at. Programming that both equally challenges the worlds elite and the average gym-goer.

The intention of the 64TS was to extend this reach to a larger audience with the goals of connecting global fitness across an online community.

Head of the Ship


  • Head of 64 Training System Programming and Design 
  • Head Coach of the 64Army
  • Official New Zealand Weightlifting Coach
  • Official New Zealand Powerlifting Coach
  • Coach of CrossFit Regionals and Sanctionals Athletes
  • ZUU Level 1 and 2 trainer
  • CrossFit Level 1 and Level 2 Trainer
  • Ankoor Harness Trainer


  • New Zealand Weightlifter
  • New Zealand Powerlifter
  • CrossFit Level 1 trainer
  • ZUU Level 1 and Level 2 Trainer
  • Ankoor Harness Trainer
  • Owner of +64Fitness
  • Owner/Creator of 64Training Systems

Unlock your potential

Our world-class programs will set you ahead of the competition. Whether you are a beginner or an elite athlete, 64 Training Systems has a custom tailored program to suit your specific goals and develop your strength, power, and endurance.
CrossFit tile woman with dumbbell

Crossfit Programs

Elite, Intermediate, Masters and Novice programs.

Engine program woman rowing

Engine Program

Increase your aerobic capacity.

Olympic lifting man snatch

Olympic Lifting

Fine tune and increase your lifts.

Woman jumping over box

Affiliate Program

Programming for your gym.

CrossFit tile woman with dumbbell

Crossfit Programs

Engine program woman rowing

Engine Program

Olympic lifting man snatch

Olympic Lifting

Woman jumping over box

Affiliate Program


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Working hours

Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

Our socials