Most training programs (whether that be a CrossFit specific one or a strength and conditioning program) consist of specific reps, sets, and percentages. Depending on the intended stimulus and end goal(s), these variables tend to change overtime as the body slowly adapts and begins to form new motor neural pathways, increased strength, increased muscle hypertrophy, anaerobic or aerobic capacity gains etc.

“Why should I stick to my given percentages?”

Well, we usually tend to see percentages in a program that is following a linear progressive overload. Percentages are based on your max successful efforts. A progressive overload is performing specific repetitions and sets at a given percentage and then slowly making incremental increases to the percentages over time, as the body adapts.


“I feel great and want to lift more than my percentages”

That is perfect. You want to feel like the percentages you are performing at are becoming easier and more dialled in. Even though you feel great, it is important to stick to your percentages so that you can obtain the most benefits from the adaptations being created. If you increase too soon you risk putting your body under a load that it is not yet ready for and shunting progress or even leading to injury.

“I’m tired and can’t be bothered lifting my percentages”

If you are injured, overtrained, or other areas of your life are affecting your training such as; lack of sleep, insufficient nutrition, external stresses, then those are all viable reasons to decrease your training percentages. It is always best to play the long game and be safe – but if you are just tired or feeling fatigued, then it is important to try your best to stick to percentages. The intended stimulus of training plans can create a large amount of fatigue which is ok. If you stay to your percentages and push through those tough days, then you will more likely reap the benefits as adaptations will occur and once your body has recovered you’ll be in better physical condition, ready to perform.


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