A lot of ‘globo gyms’ will use mirrors, however it’s not really something you find very often in CrossFit gyms – I’m here to explain why that is and when/for what you should be using mirrors in the gym.


Why we don’t use them for CrossFit:

Mirrors are a great tool for viewing your technique as you perform the movement and being able to make corrections on the spot. This is also great if you do not have a coach on-site to watch over you. I personally do not use mirrors when I’m training for CrossFit – the main reason is that it can be quite distracting. When performing high skill, compound exercises that are fast, it can be distracting and almost dangerous if I am watching myself in a mirror. My concentration tends to shift when I look in a mirror, making me disoriented. I prefer to go by feel as I get a better connection to the movement, and by video or someone else’s feedback. This just allows me to watch it back multiple times and make more specific corrections, and feedback is always great as what I feel is not always what is happening. 



When I would use them:

For slower type, isolation movements, I would be more inclined to use a mirror for self analysis. This is because you have more time to take in what you are seeing, process the instant feedback, and make corrections even rep to rep. The less complex movements that require a smaller amount of output and focus tend to be easier to correct on the spot. 


The main reason we don’t see mirrors in the vast majority of CrossFit gyms is because they tend to be a distraction. In a high paced environment with many moving pieces it can be dangerous to take people’s attention away from what they’re doing by looking into a mirror. We also don’t see them often because (most) CrossFit gyms have coaching staff that will provide you with feedback/cues about your movements so you do not have to self analyse.


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