Strict vs Kipping
A huge amount of controversy surrounds kipping movements in CrossFit. Learn more about both strict and kipping movements, and why both are important and both have their place in our programming!
Things to know when starting CrossFit
Like starting anything new and exciting, there are things to take into consideration to make the journey as enjoyable and as smooth as possible. The following considerations are a collection of personal experiences that I have learnt from. This is
Ways to Work Through a Plateau
At some stage in our fitness/physical activity journey we will reach a plateau. A plateau can be apparent in a few different ways. A long stall between maximal lift increases, aerobic and anaerobic capacity not increasing or heavier percentages not
Snatch: 5 Drills for Building Confidence in Getting Under the Barbell
Building confidence in descending under the barbell into a full overhead squat position is key to improving your snatch. Stripping the weight back and breaking the full movement down into partial movements allows for a more direct focus to be
Winter Blues
The winter months tend to be the hardest to stay positive and motivated for both members and coaches. The desire to stay tucked up and warm increases as the weather outside becomes colder and the days become darker -
Coaches Perspective: When to coach
It is a coach's responsibility to lead, guide, and create change in a person that is conducive towards their goals. Coaches must also adapt their coaching techniques to cater to the needs of the individual / group. Read the full
3 Tips for Improving Ring Muscle Ups
The kipping ring muscle up is a complex gymnastic movement that can take a while to develop - we're here to make it a little easier with 3 tips that'll get you on the rings in no time.
Front Rack: High Elbows & Low Elbows
The front rack is a key position when front squatting or pressing overhead. There are different positions you can have your arms in when performing a front rack. Learn more about them in order to maximize your efficiency.
4 Tips for Improving Your Double Unders
The double under can be the bane of some people's existence. It takes timing, rhythm, patience, and a lot of practice to master. Utilizing drills and correct movement patterns that work towards the full movement are an integral part of
Benefits of Having a Coach
Learn more about a coaches role, the value of their expertise, and the different ways they help to make you a better athlete.