We’re super excited for another CrossFit Open workout! Every week we love to provide you all with the best tips and tricks to out-perform the competition, and get your best score possible!


CrossFit Open Workout 23.2

AMRAP 15:00
5 burpee pull ups
10 shuttle runs (7.5m there and back)

Add 5x Burpee Pull-Ups after each round

Warm Up

This is what we’d suggest for a warm up:


All stretches 1:00 – 2:00 each side 

  • Barbell hamstring smash 
  • Kettlebell calf smash
  • Banded Ankle Dissociation 
  • Banded elevated pigeon hold 
  • Low band front rack stretch 
  • Band shoulder external rotation stretch


Blood flow:

EMOM 8:00

MIN 1: Row
MIN 2: Bike
MIN 3: Run shuttle runs
MIN 4: Run shuttle runs 

Increase your pace in the second round from the first round. Think about beginning at 60% and building in pace across til around 80%



3-4 Sets 
10-12 scap pull ups
3 perfect stretches each side
8 squat press outs
5 empty barbell strict press + 10 second hold (reach) on the last rep

Specific Preparation:

  • Build to a heavy thruster @8-9RPE (Rate of perceived effort) 

Don’t max out your thruster here but look to leave around 10-15% in the tank that you feel comfortable in hitting during the workout.


5 burpee pull ups + 10 shuttle runs
*Perform @120% of your intended race pace 

Rest 5:00+ before starting the workout


  • Do not start too fast (as always). 15 minutes is a very long time
  • The first few burpees per set will be harder than you think but find the comfortable pace once you’ve settled in and aim to keep moving. 
  • Shuttle run turns into a recovery shuttle run / walk 
  • You get to the set of 15-20 quite fast and that’s where the workout begins for the elites. It’s only half way through the workout
  • Find a place where to put your hands on the ground so you can “find the bar on the jump” 
  • There is no hanging requirement so you can jump into the pull up and use your momentum 
  • For some athletes, jumping with momentum will be manageable for only half of the set within each round of BPU, but then will have to resort to a larger kipping swing
  • If we can eliminate the kipping pull up as much as possible, you will save half the rep speed per rep. 
  • The legs become gradually more fatigued as the workout progresses so the jumping factor for the burpee gets harder and harder 
  • Look to use as much of the front portion of a normal kip (knee + hip pop) to get the momentum needed for chin over the bar 
  • Try not to drive your bodyweight forward too much that your constantly landing excessively in front of the plane of the pull up bar and needing to take unnecessary steps behind the bar
  • Transition on the turn for the run as fast as possible even if you’re running slow. This will mitigate the amount of weight loaded into the low back with a less time spent in the hinge position

Part B: 

  • Begin with a load to get on the board and basically warm up the lift. It shouldn’t be too heavy. You can then jump to around 70% of your intended total weight on lift number 2. 85-90% on lift number 3 and then 95-100%+ on lift 4.
  • You will get time for 3-5 quality lifts within the 5 minute timeframe. Because this is a 2 part scored workout, they are both as valuable as each other. Trust that you can recover enough from part A in order to hit a successful part b score. Don’t get too greedy on your weight jumps and remember to take the small hanging fruit. 
  • When performing the thruster, understand whether you feel more comfortable beginning with a squat clean into the thruster. This is quite a technical movement as the timing and landing of the load has to be accurate so that it is over the middle of the foot to allow for a nice straight line bar drive. If you’re not so proficient at this, you may adopt a power clean, reset your stance, brace and begin the thruster from there. A cue to think about on the drive of the thruster is to squeeze the quads as tight as you can so that your knees do not unlock and you mistakenly get a no rep on the thruster because you dipped under the catch with a jerk position.

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Monday – Friday:
07:00 – 21:00

07:00 – 16:00

Sunday Closed

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